Salesforce Mobile




The Salesforce Mobile Application is designed to provide users with access to Salesforce’s features and functionality on the go.


Features of the Mobile App


Through the Salesforce Mobile App users can view and manage their Salesforce records (such as leads, opportunities, and accounts) directly from their mobile devices. The app inherits user role and preference settings from desktop to help ensure relevant information is front and center.

Just as they would in desktop, users receive real-time updates and alerts in the Mobile App. As well, the App is Mobile-Optimized, changing the layouts and views to render appropriately in Phone factor compared to a desktop form factor.

The app allowing users to access reports and dashboards in mobile to help inform decisions on the go.

Users can also access certain data offline in the event they lose connection.

Any updates made will sync back once connection is restored.

Chatter features and functionality are also present in Mobile to allow users to collaborate from anywhere they may be.


Limitations of Salesforce Mobile


While the Mobile App is powerful, some desktop features and functions are not available.

Complex screen flows or lightning components will not render or function in mobile, as such, care should be taken when designing features and thinking about how users will interact with them.

Attachments or Files that are large in size are not guaranteed to open or render appropriately from mobile.

While chatter is available in mobile, Advanced Chatter Groups will not function and file upload limits are smaller than what is present from desktop.

Global actions also have to be specifically designed and tested to ensure functionality in mobile, ones that utilize Visualforce or Lightning Components may have performance degradation.


Common Use Cases of Salesforce Mobile

Use Case Roles Scenario Outcome
Mobile Sales Work Sales Reps Close Deal on Road
  • Utilize Mobile App to Close Opportunities
  • Utilize Email from Phone to continue communication while away from desk
Field Work Service Reps Generate Invoice
  • Track route and location of Reps
  • Generate Invoice on-site with Customer
  • Receive payment and relate to record in Salesforce


Who is Impacted?



Administrators must take care when designing layouts and testing mobile rendering to ensure their end users can interact with the platform on mobile.



Developers are able to design functionalities that will carry over to the mobile app and ensure that users can still perform specialized tasks while not at their desks.


End Users

End users benefit from the ability to work on the go. Should something happen while a rep is in the field, they can be notified in real time and take necessary action.


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