Salesforce Editions




Salesforce Editions are the varying “tiers” of service you can purchase within a product of Salesforce. Across Sales, Service, Marketing etc., they impact pricing and the utilities available to the user base of the org. These variances can be as simple as custom field allocation or as complex as API integration capabilities.


Different Salesforce Editions


Across most of Salesforce’s product offerings you will commonly hear of: Starter, Pro Suite, Enterprise, Unlimited and Developer Edition orgs. With the introduction of Einstein, there is a new offering above Unlimited, called Einstein1 (insert Product name) as well that includes all the features of AI. Marketing cloud follows a bit of a different naming convention for it’s edition offerings, focusing on: Starter, Pro, Growth and Advanced.


Starter Edition

Aimed at businesses that need access to simplified setup and built-in onboarding tools. It includes sales, service, and marketing functionality in one suite to help businesses improve productivity across multiple departments.

Allocations for Starter Edition can be found here.


Pro Suite Edition

Aimed at businesses that need flexibility, automation, and light integrations with their CRM but that also want out-of-the-box tools to get started quickly. It includes key features across sales, service, and marketing business functions along with in-app guidance for getting started.

Allocations for Pro Suite Edition can be found here.


Enterprise Edition

Aimed at large and complex businesses, Enterprise Edition gives you advanced customization and administration tools, in addition to all the functionality available in Professional Edition, that can support large-scale deployments. Enterprise Edition also includes access to Salesforce APIs, so you can easily integrate with back-office systems.

Allocations for Enterprise Edition can be found here.


Unlimited Edition

Intended to maximize your success and extend it across the entire enterprise through the Lightning Platform. Unlimited Edition gives you new levels of platform flexibility for managing and sharing all your information on demand. It includes all Enterprise Edition functionality, Premier Support, full mobile access, unlimited custom apps, increased storage limits, and other features.

Allocations for Unlimited Edition can be found here.


Developer Edition

Provides access to the Lightning Platform and APIs. It lets developers extend Salesforce, integrate with other applications, and develop new tools and applications. Developer Edition also provides access to many of the features available in Enterprise Edition.

Salesforce doesn’t provide technical support for Developer Edition. But you can ask for help from developer community message boards after you register for the Lightning Platform developer website:

Allocations for Developer Edition can be found here.


Pricing and Feature Differences


Salesforce offers high level comparisons of the pricing and feature difference between orgs. Below are links to official Salesforce Documentation for Marketing, Sales and Service Cloud, showing pricing and feature comparison.


Related Terms