Record Type




Record Types are a capability across Standard and Custom objects that allow you to create multiple versions of an object.  Different versions can have their own field requirements, page layouts, rules, automations etc.


How Are Record Types Used?


This feature is used to provide a different spin on processes that are similar in nature (Upsell, Cross Sell, New Logo Sell, etc). These would all exist in the opportunity object, but their workflows are entirely different.

The feature extends to the UI, automations, and validation rules.


What is the Benefit?



Record Types help minimize the amount of configuration required to keep your instance clean.

For example a Contact object can have types for vendors, employees, buyers etc, instead of creating multiple objects and sets of fields for the same purpose.



Types can be used to exclude/include records from automation and validations. They can be added/removed to/from profiles in order to dictate what records users have the ability to create in the system.


Common Use Cases of Record Types

Use Case Roles Scenario Outcome
Differentiating Records End Users Create varying types of Records
  • Ability to define different “shells” of records for users to create
  • Ability to define varying picklist values for the same field across type
  • Ability to have varying page layouts across type
Record Creation End Users Limit ability to create different types of Records
  • Grant varying access to profiles for types of records able to be created



Who is Impacted?


Salesforce Users

Record Types drive front-end experiences for salesforce users.  They inform the types of records they can create and the page layouts they see.



Admins are responsible for set up and maintenance, including defining page layouts and managing picklist values.



Types can influence reporting and analytics. Managers may rely on specific record types to gain insights into performance metrics relevant to different segments of the business.


Related Terms