Mass Data Actions




Salesforce provides out-of-the-box Mass Data Actions to insert, update and delete data in bulk from within the platform. Similar features also exist to transfer and reassign records.





To insert/update data, Admins in Salesforce have access OOTB to Data Import Wizard. This tool is comprised of a simple UI that allows users to pick an Object (Standard or Custom), an Action (Insert, Update, Upsert), create simple field mappings and lookups, and then upload their prepared file and receive successes/failures.

Data Import Wizard does require a larger list of fields for some standard objects than other tooling like Dataloader.IO or Apex Data Loader would, which is one drawback. All in all it is a very simple and approachable OOTB tool. It also features guided setup that shows examples of choices as you progress through your import job.



To Delete data, Admins in Salesforce can utilize the “Mass Delete Records” action from setup or use other api tooling like Dataloader.IO or Apex Data Loader. Mass Delete Records is extremely simple and robust for standard objects, allowing you to delete parent/children/related records from one screen.

No CSV needs to be prepared and no complex query language needs to be written to retrieve data. It’s picklist configured and very easy to use. Before performing the action, records are displayed in results allowing Admins to see what they are removing. API tooling as mentioned above has more complex features allowing for intense query language and structure, but is not recommended for novice admins. It also requires preparing a CSV list to use for Delete actions.



OOTB Salesforce provides utilities in Setup to transfer records without doing a data update of the owner field. You are able to select an object, select a user to reassign to and then use picklist based filter criteria to structure your record list.

As with the Delete action, it provides a summary of the impacted records that can be reviewed before performing the action. For applicable objects, you can also transfer related records like cases or opportunities in the same action.



If utilizing Account or Opportunity Teams, Salesforce also offers a simple OOTB feature to reassign members and records between teams. Like the other Mass Actions, it is picklist style configurable and allows Admins to display a configured summary of results before performing the action.


Common Use Cases of Mass Data Actions

Use Case Roles Scenario Outcome
Org Maintenance Admins Data Cleansing
  • Ability to quickly remove test data using Mass Delete capability
  • Ability to transfer records in bulk when users change roles or leave company
Data Creation/Update Admins Modify Data
  • Ability to easily and repeatably import data with saved mappings
  • Ability to bulk update data utilizing simple matching logic


Who is Impacted?



Admins in Salesforce are most impacted by mass data actions, as it drives efficiencies in their day-to-day duties.


End Users

End Users will benefit from the decreased time to process data changes when admins utilize  simplified OOTB offerings.



Customers can see better service as admins will be able to quickly enhance their Opportunity and Account team members.


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