Data Loader




Apex Data Loader is a tool  that allows users to perform bulk data operations such importing, exporting, updating, and deleting records in Salesforce.


How Is Data Loader Used?


After downloading admins or others with access to import data (insert/update/delete) are able to perform bulk data import actions. You can restrict batch size, set runtime options, map fields/lookups, save mappings for repetitive data loads and monitor jobs in real time.

It is also one of the few OOTB ways to bulk import Files into Salesforce.


What is the Benefit?


Improved Efficiencies

Data Loader allows users to import, export, update, and delete large volumes of records at a time, helping to reduce the time spent on manual data entry. For regular record imports, there is a 5 million row limit. For importing Files (attachments) there are multiple limits regarding the job size and individual file size.



The UI  is simple to navigate. Users can easily map datas, set import settings and limits, save file mappings for repeated use and get detailed error mappings if there are issues with the import. Advanced users can write scripts to help facilitate regular updates or integrations.



As organizations grow, Data Loader can be integrated with other sources to better support data management needs. The ability to manage data in bulk can help achieve high levels of data cleanliness and self-service.


Common Use Cases of Data Loader

Use Case Roles Scenario Outcome
Data Modification Admin Insert/Update/Upsert/Delete
  • Data Loader is an OOTB tool that enables all forms of data modification
  • Support by Salesforce ensures sustainability/longevity
Repeatability Admins Template Creation
  • Ability to map and save templates enables reduced data mapping times
Higher Limits Admins Imports over 50k records
  • OOTB Data Loader has higher limits and capabilities than Data Import Wizard
  • It has a larger core object availability than Data Import Wizard



Who is Impacted?


Salesforce Admins

Data Loader allows admins to automate functions that would otherwise be manual data entry.


Data Analysts

Analysts can use the product to export large datasets for analysis, reporting, or integration with other data analysis tools.


Data Engineers

Engineers can use Data Loader as part of data migration processes, integrating Salesforce with other systems or preparing data for analysis.


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