Audit Trail



Audit Tracking in Salesforce can happen in many ways: Field History Tracking, Setup Audit Trail, Event Monitoring and Change Data Capture.


How Are Audit Trails Used?


Field History Tracking is used to define specific fields at an Object level you want to track the change history on. Salesforce will track the Prior Value, New Value, Time of change and Who made the change.

Setup Audit Trail is a back-end audit tool that shows the Admin(s) responsible for changes to an Org’s metadata structure.

Event Monitoring will gives admins insight into when users have logged in and exported reports.

Change Data Capture tracks create, edit, delete and undelete actions against records in a salesforce org.


What is the Benefit?



This toolkit provides a complete view into the history of a Salesforce org.



From a back-end perspective, knowing who and what changes have been made is crucial to troubleshooting.

On the front-end, Field History can help determine why automation ran or didn’t run, who changed a value and when that change occurred.


Common Use Cases of Audit Trail

Use Case Roles Scenario Outcome
Setup Audit Trail Admins  Investigate Changes to Org Architecture
  • Ability to generate logs and track changes against the orgs background architecture
  • Ability to track changes to scheduled jobs
  • Troubleshoot breakages in production
Field History Tracking Admins Track Values and Changes
  • Ability to define fields to track in related lists
  • See prior value vs current value of fields
  • Ability to see date/time of change and who made the change



Who is Impacted?


Salesforce Users

Through Field History tracking End Users will see improved data integrity and be able to determine accountability for changes to records in the system.



Admins will use the audit trail to monitor changes in configuration, ensuring compliance with organizational policies and quickly addressing any unauthorized changes.


Compliance Teams

Compliance teams rely on audit logs to ensure that the organization adheres to regulatory requirements.


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